Organogenesis & regeneration

The Stankunas laboratory investigates fundamental questions of how genes and proteins regulate organ development and regeneration. We study how cell signals interface with chromatin...

Evolution of larval development

Research in Maslakova lab at the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology focuses on the evolution of embryonic and larval development in the understudied phylum...

Teleost development & evolution

The Cresko and Postlethwait labs are studying the evolution of duplicated genes and genomes, and their relationship to organismal diversity. Half of all vertebrate...

C. elegans cell division

The Bowerman lab uses genetics, molecular biology, and microscopy to study cytoskeletal regulation and function in the early Caenorhabditis elegans embryo. Many of the early...

Host-microbe interactions & organ development

All animals exist in intimate associations with communities of microorganisms that play important roles in the hosts’ normal development and physiology, and under certain...

Zebrafish bone development

How do the elements of the craniofacial skeleton arise, grow, and reshape? Zebrafish, with a sophisticated knowledge of its genetics and genomics, with favorable...

Drosophila neurogenesis

Drosophila neural stem cells (called neuroblasts) divide asymmetrically to generate neurons while maintaining their undifferentiated state, and thus they can be used as a...

Training Faculty

The 22 training faculty are appointed in one of four Departments (Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Bioengineering, or Human Physiology) and one of five research units (Institute of Molecular Biology, Institute of Neuroscience, Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology). Each unit provides an interactive environment; they bring together researchers with common interests, run graduate programs, provide administrative support, and host annual retreats. Trainees are exposed to research across the units due to a rich tradition of collaboration, common training activities, the close proximity of most labs, and shared facilities. As such, the program fosters interdisciplinary training that bridges genetics, molecular biology, cell biology, computational biology, neuroscience, regenerative medicine & bioengineering, and evolutionary biology. This breadth complements the focused project-oriented training the students receive in their host labs, producing creative developmental biologists empowered to become leaders of their own research programs.

Kryn Stankunas and Chris Doe co-direct the program and it’s NIH training grant. Danielle Benoit and Dan Grimes currently serve as additional executive committee members.

Training Faculty Research Unit Department Research Areas
Danielle Benoit KCASI Bioengineering 5, 6
Bruce Bowerman IMB Biology 2, 3
Bill Cresko IEE Biology 2, 4
Chris Doe ION Biology 1, 2, 3
Judith Eisen * ION Biology 1, 2, 3, 4
Daniel Grimes IMB Biology 2, 3, 5
Karen Guillemin IMB Biology 2, 3, 5
Bob Guldberg KCASI Bioengineering 5, 6
Marian Hettiaratchi KCASI Bioengineering 1, 2, 3
Diana Libuda IMB Biology 2, 3
Gabriella Lindberg KCASI Bioengineering 3, 4
Adam Miller ION Biology 1, 2, 3
Cris Niell ION Biology 1, 5
Patrick Phillips IEE Biology 4
John Postlethwait ION Biology 2, 4
Ken Prehoda IMB Chemistry & Biochemistry 1, 3
Kryn Stankunas IMB Biology 2, 5
Emily Sylwestrak ION Biology 1, 2, 5
Ashley Walker Human Physiology 5, 6
Monte Westerfield * ION Biology 1, 2, 3, 4
Nick Willett KCASI Bioengineering 5, 6
George von Dassow OIMB Biology 3, 4

(1) Developmental neurobiology
(2) Developmental genetics & gene expression
(3) Cellular and molecular dynamics of development (cell polarity / morphogenesis / signaling / chromosome dynamics)
(4) Evolution and development
(5) Vertebrate development & disease models
(6) Molecular, cell, and tissue engineering for regenerative medicine

* As potential co-advisors only